Tuesday 28 April 2015

It's flat in't it (with thanks to Elaine)

Most of today was in Lincolnshire, and it truly is flat. Despite riding close to the sea  several times, I inly actually saw it a couple of times near Mablethorpe and Skegness. The first time was actually at Cleethorpes where I met a man putting mirrors on his scooter on the front, it's the first Vespa I have seen with a disability badge. Nice bloke we chatted for ten minutes or so.
The rest of the time the sea was hidden behind dunes and flood protection banks. 
I am sure Lincolnshire has its redeeming features, and to be fair there are wonderful skyscrapers, but on the whole the virtues are hidden from the casual observer!

This pic was typical of the day, apart from the astronomical volume of caravan sites.
There were tussles with nature today, and she nearly won. Wind meant that I had to cross the Humber bridge at an angle of incline normally reserved for racing bends, fortunately it wasn't gusty so I could keep a straight line. A little rain to spice things up, followed by the Manlethorpe marbles- hailstones the size of peas all the way through the town. Possibly the only way to make Mablelthorpe interesting.
Lincolnshire is a giant factory for agribusiness. Massive fields, many covered with polythene or fleece to protect the fledgling vegetables. Anyone who harbours romantic thoughts about the countryside and little cottage gardens only need drive alongside the Wash the have them dispelled.
Boston replaces polythene with  daffodils, fading now, but still awesome by the field full, turning east it is potatoes that seem to predominate until the serene and royal areas around Sandringham, where the intensive culture of the mass market gives way yo a romantic vision of thatched cottages and doffed caps. I saw more Land Rovers on the Sandrongham area than anywhere else, they were clean too.
I am fighting with the satnav, TomTom and I don't seem to talk the same language, unlike Garmin with whom I had a real rapport. I shall spend some quality time with TomTom tonight in the hope that tomorrow will be better for us both.

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